Cyprus, Nicosia

How to obtain a certificate of no criminal record at the Russian Consulate in Cyprus?

Updated: 1 month ago
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In some cases, you may need a certificate of no criminal record from the country of your previous residence while in Cyprus. Here's how to get it.

Obtaining a certificate of no criminal record in Cyprus

  1. Appointment with consulate staff
  2. Submitting the application in Cyprus
  3. Frequently Asked Questions

справка о несудимости северный кипр


We explained how to schedule an appointment with the consulate staff of the Republic of Cyprus while on the island here.

Submitting the application

On the scheduled day and time, you need to come to the Russian Consulate in Nicosia (location below) with the following documents:

Frequently Asked Questions about certificates of no criminal record

How much does it cost to obtain a certificate of no criminal record?

As of March 1, 2024, the issuance of the certificate has become paid:

  • for Russian citizens in Russian - 10 euros;
  • for Russian citizens in English - 20 euros;
  • for foreign citizens in Russian - 22 euros;
  • for foreign citizens in English - 44 euros.

How long does it take to process a certificate of no criminal record?

The certificate is issued within approximately one month. This time does not include the wait time for an appointment with consulate staff.

Can I obtain the certificate in Russia?

Yes, but if you want to do this remotely, you will need to issue a power of attorney to a person residing in Russia. More about power of attorney.

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справка о несудимости в Консульстве России на Кипре

Посольство Российской Федерации на Кипре на карте (Embassy of the Russian Federation in Cyprus on the map)
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