The hearings on the Grand Isias hotel case resume in Turkey
In the Turkish city of Adıyaman, the second hearing on the Grand Isias hotel case begins today. During the earthquake on February 6, 2023, 72 people died, including 35 Turkish Cypriots. President of the TRNC, Ersin Tatar, reached out to the Angel-Champion families.
The Head of Northern Cyprus expressed words of support to the families of the deceased athletes during a live broadcast from the Ramada hotel conference hall.
"The case of the Grand Isias hotel is a matter for all of us. I send my love to all of you. My heart is with you in Adıyaman," stated Ersin Tatar, adding that the TRNC authorities are closely monitoring the judicial process.
The President also noted that the previous evening he had spoken with the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Turkey, Yılmaz Tunç, and asked him to provide necessary consultations to ensure justice.
It is worth noting that a large delegation from the TRNC flew to Adıyaman the day before. About a hundred Turkish Cypriots, including politicians, officials, and relatives of those who died in the hotel collapse, will attend the court hearing.
The families of the Angel-Champion visited the Mayor of Adıyaman, Abdurrahman Tutdere, the day before.
The first hearing on the Grand Isias hotel case took place in January at the Supreme Criminal Court of Adıyaman. Following several days of hearings, the court issued several interim decisions.
In particular, the court ruled that five out of the 11 defendants would remain in custody, while the remaining six individuals would remain free under judicial supervision. The lawyers for the Angel-Champion families objected to the decisions. The second hearing was scheduled for Friday, April 26.
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