Cyprus, Nicosia

How to get by European Airlines from the Russian Federation to the Republic of Cyprus?

Updated: 2 months ago
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Preferable flights are of Air Serbia with the minimum journey time and short connection in Belgrade - one-hour minimum. In the case of a long-lasting transfer, the Russians can enter the city of Belgrade without a visa. The ticket prices are high but acceptable: from 35,000 to 120,000 rubles for a one-way economy-class ticket. This flight is very convenient, but one should book the tickets well in advance. In addition, Air Serbia has a problem with overbooking - they sell more tickets than are available, and inevitably someone ends up overboard. Keep this in mind and check in for your flights as early as possible.

Also, there are numerous options to get to Larnaca through Sochi and Yerevan, Sochi and Tbilisi (Kutaisi). There are also flights with transfers in Mineralnye Vody. For example, Moscow-Miniralnye Vody-Yerevan (Tbilisi). They are all charter flights with many connections and by different airlines. Most inconvenient here is that you fly for more than a day, pick up your luggage at each transfer, and then check it in again. We highly recommend you use ONLY an aggregator to call a taxi when flying through these countries and having long connections in Armenia or Georgia, as many want to earn money at the airports. Because passengers cannot immediately exchange rubles for local currency or euros, they cost crazy prices for a taxi and find clients. So, be cautious.

Another possibility to get to Larnaca is by Turkish Airlines. But there are no direct flights from Turkey to the Republic of Cyprus. One will have to fly with two transfers - in Istanbul and Athens - and sometimes three. For a connection in Athens, one needs a Schengen visa.

On July 15, 2022, they opened the land borders between the Russian Federation and European countries. If you have a Schengen visa, getting to Cyprus will be much easier and cheaper through Helsinki or Riga.

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