Cyprus, Nicosia

Medical psychologist. Neuropsychologist.

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Bayraktar Vilena Rinatovna
Date of birth: 03.11.1989.
Marital status: widow, has two children born in 2011 and 2017.
+ 7 708 218 05 67.
E-mail: [email protected]

Specialised education
Autonomous non-profit organisation of additional professional education ‘National Academy of Additional Professional Education’ (ANO DPO ‘NADPO’) Russian Federation Moscow, Russia
January 2023 - April 2023 - Medical and forensic psychologist

Turan-Astana University (Astana, Kazakhstan)
August 2010 - November 2013 - Bachelor of Psychology

Kazakhstan University of Economics Finance and International Trade (Kazakhstan, Astana)
September 2007 - April 2010 - Social Work

Confirming diplomas, certificates and diplomas:
‘Academic ESL & Intensive English’ (Houston Community College, 12.05.2010 Margaret Eomurian Ph.D);
Intensive educational course-training ‘Group dynamics of open communication’ in the volume of 30h. (05.03.2012) course leader - Professor, Vice-President of the Society of Psychologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan M.G. Subkhankulov;
Diploma on awarding the academic degree ‘Bachelor’ in the speciality ‘Psychology’ (Turan-Astana University, the theme of the diploma work ‘The influence of psychological compatibility of spouses on the stability of family relations’, 30.11.2013);
‘Fundamentals of suicidology and crisis psychotherapy’ on the basis of the Medical Centre of Mental Health Problems in Astana 07-15.09.2015. Trainer Dr.m.s. Nazirov R.K.;
Certificate of Merit for high professional qualities from the director Abzalova R.A. on the basis of the Family Health Centre ‘Demeu’;
‘Effective communications for health care providers’ from the World Health Organisation 28-31.03.2016. Trainer Brett Craig Ph.D., Dr Melita Vujnovic;
Diploma ‘The Best Psychologist’ from the Head of the Health Department of the Republic of Kazakhstan Erik Baizhunusov 13.05.2016. ;
‘Therapeutic technologies to assist persons with chemical and non-chemical addiction’ 30 hours from Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.L. Katkov 04-09.07.2016. ;
‘Formation and improvement of competence of specialists working in the sphere of life placement of orphans and children left without parental care’ 21.08-13.11.2020. trainer Tretyakova S.N.;
Letter of thanks for the seminar ‘Otbasy - Bakyt Mekeni’ from the head of the Youth Policy Department of Nur-Sultan D.Karibek 2020;
‘Training of trainers of Foster Parents School’ from Ana Uyi Public Foundation represented by the director Anar Rakhimbaeva;
‘Socially oriented healthcare: issues of medical and social technologies, preventive and restorative medicine in the light of protection of patients‘ rights’ 12h. 04-05.11.2021. in the person of heads Kosherova B.N., Rakhypbekov T., Kayyrgeldina S.A.;
Certificate of Honour for high professionalism in providing psychological assistance to the population in the field of health care from the President of the National Association ‘Primary Health Care’ Dr.M.Sc., Professor T.Rakhypbekov;
‘Features of group counselling from substance abuse in rehabilitation programmes’ 10h. 12-13.09.2022. Trainer Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy Pak T.V.;
Letter of thanks for conducting classes on suicide prevention from the Head of Arms of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan Colonel B.Sydykov 2023;
Diploma on advanced training in the speciality ‘Medical and forensic psychology’ from ANO DPO ‘NADPO’ March 2023. Moscow, Russian Federation;
Certificate of completion of the course ‘Nauli. Women's Energy’ 15.05-30.06.2023 from Nkseka School, trainer Kseniya Nevmerzhitskaya;
Certificate of completion of the programme ‘Metaphorical maps in the work of a psychologist’ 06-25.07.2023 from the psychological centre ‘Vozrozhdeniya’ represented by the director Alvina Yusupova.
Certificate of successful completion of training on the course of lectures and seminars on ‘Fundamentals of neuropsychology’ foreign expert Jose Maria Freire, head of the Department of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the participation of NGO ‘Society of children's neurologists, neurophysiologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists from 23.10.2023 to 27.10.2023.
Certificate of completion of the 3rd module of the course on the strategy of cognitive-behavioural approach in working with addicts ‘Cognitive-behavioural therapy of anxiety disorders’. Leading trainer, candidate of psychological sciences Biketova L.A. August 2024.

Knowledge of languages
English - Intermediate
Russian - native
Kazakh - basic

Work experience:

Children's correctional centre ‘NAR’
May 2024 - August 2024 - neuropsychologist
Correction, rehabilitation of children with RAS, RAS, RDA, ONR.

International training organisation ‘Kidskey’
October 2023 - April 2024 - Russian language teacher for bilingual children.
Online Russian language teaching for bilingual children aged 6-16.

Sana Sezim Psychological Assistance Centre
December 2021-present - medical psychologist, addictologist.
Job responsibilities:
Group psychotherapeutic trainings for addicts;
Individual psychological counselling of addicts;
Group and individual work with co-dependents.
‘Ligoped Plus’ IP
May 2021 - August 2022 - child psychologist, correctionist.
Job Responsibilities:
Corrective psychological work with children with diagnoses: ZPD, ZRR, RAS, ONR.
Family counselling.
SOS Children's Village Astana.
August 2020 - May 2021 - child, family psychologist.
Job duties:
Participation in planning the activities of SOS Children's Village
Psychological support of SOS families and pupils of the Organisation
Psychosocial support of SOS-families
Analytical and methodological work
Staff development
Case management

SCP at PCV Municipal Polyclinic 13
February 2015 - April 2020 - psychologist.
Job responsibilities:
Helpline counselling;
individual counselling;
group work with the population at Health Schools and at the Family Support Centre;
classes with teenagers on the basis of the Youth Health Centre ‘Demeu’;
Social and psychological patronage (visits to patients);
Training sessions with medical personnel;
Conducting training sessions for medical staff of primary health care centres at the national level;
publication of scientific materials;
Drawing up the programme of the School for Preparation for Childbirth, maintenance and reporting.

Psychological Centre ‘Ekvilia’ LLP
March - August 2014 - office manager, psychologist
Maintaining client base;
Maintaining office records;
Telephone Operator;
Cold calling techniques;
Counselling secondary clients.

Assistant to the school psychologist during the psycho-pedagogical practice - March 2013 - April 2013 (2 months).
Place of practice: school № 16 named after Tolegen Aybergenov in Astana city.
Diagnostics and correction of emotional states;
Diagnostics and correction of cognitive processes;
Diagnostics and correction of interpersonal relations;
Diagnosis and correction of mental development;
Individual and group psychotherapy.

Nurecom LLP
June - October 2010 - Personal manager of the first manager
1) office management;
2) organisation of reception of visitors;
3) fulfilment of technical functions to ensure and maintain the work of the director.

Moody Gardens Restaurant (entertainment complex, USA, Texas, Galveston Island)
January - May 2010 - Room Manager
1) supervising staff;
2) maintenance of documentation;
3) organisation of reception of clients.

IP ‘Straga’ ( cosmetics company)
August 2009 - December 2009 - Sales Manager
1) conducting business negotiations with clients;
2) attracting new clients;
3) presentation of products.

KRC ‘Zodiak Astana’ (cultural and entertainment complex)
February 2009 - June 2009 - Receptionist
1) organisation of reception of visitors;
2) business negotiations with clients.

RPC ‘Soyuz’ (advertising and production company)
September 2008 - January 2009 - Sales Manager
1) Attracting new clients;
2) Maintaining the client base.

Additional Information:
Participation in the city-wide medical and social project at the PHC level ‘I Choose Benevolence’: project supervision, notification of project participants, reporting.

Participation in the internal project ‘7 billion good deeds’, collection of letters, reporting.

Participation in the social project together with MUA and MHSD of RK on studying risk factors and borderline neuropsychiatric disorders in schoolchildren with justification of correction programmes, conducting questionnaires among schoolchildren.

Participation in a team of international experts of the World Health Organisation to assess the quality of antenatal and postnatal care services at the outpatient-polyclinic level. Questionnaire and survey of women giving birth on the quality of services provided to them in polyclinics. City and district polyclinics in Astana, Aktau and Kyzylorda were involved in assessing the quality of services provided.

Conducting training sessions with medical staff from the cities of Astana, Almaty, Pavlodar, Kyzylorda on the transfer of best practices in the following areas: ‘Communication and skills of psychological counselling in the activities of a medical worker’; “Social and psychological counselling in the activities of a doctor, nurse, social worker and psychologist”.

Passing the training ‘Fundamentals of suicidology and crisis psychotherapy’ with the participation of the President of the Russian Psychotherapy Association (RPA), Director of the Institute of Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology RPA Nazirov Ravil Kaisovich on the basis of ICPPP of Astana.

Writing scientific articles for publication in scientific journals: ‘The role of socio-psychological service at the level of organisations providing primary health care’; ‘The importance of socio-psychological support for people of pre- and retirement age’.

Driving licence category ‘BC’ ( 08.08.2013).

No bad habits.

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