This section contains information about public hospitals and private clinics, their addresses and phone numbers. Also here you can find out where to get an MRI or get help from a Russian-speaking dentist. And of course - the contacts of duty pharmacies.
- The healthcare system in Cyprus
- State medicine in Cyprus
- Who can use the public health care system GESY?
- Private medical services in Cyprus
- Emergency Medical Services
- Health insurance system in Cyprus for foreigners
- Medical tourism - how much does it cost to give birth in Cyprus?
- State clinics of Cyprus
- How do I make an appointment to see a doctor in Cyprus?
- Pharmacies in Cyprus
- Best fitness centers in Limassol
- Where to donate blood in Cyprus?
- Travel Insurance in Cyprus
- Best Fitness Centres in Larnaca
- Best fitness centers in Paphos
- Rules of Conduct on the Water
- Insurance for Expats in Cyprus
- The Best Fitness Centers in Nicosia
- Private Healthcare in Cyprus
- Private Clinics in Limassol
- Fitness Centers in Protaras
- Private Clinics in Nicosia
- Private Clinics in Ayia Napa
- Private Clinics in Protaras