Cyprus, Nicosia

Ercan airport will be without electricity for three hours today

31.05.2024 / 09:11

A power outage is expected in the vicinity of Ercan Airport in Northern Cyprus today. Electricity will not be supplied to the airfield for three hours.

According to the Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority (KIB-TEK), the three-hour power outage is due to project work being carried out on the medium-voltage power grid.

The power outage will occur approximately from 09:00 to 12:00 and will affect the following areas: the state industrial zone of Ercan, the building of the Civil Aviation Department's radar station, the construction site area of Ercan Airport, and part of Kyklara.

Depending on the progress of the work, electricity supply may be restored later or earlier than the specified time.

It's worth noting that there is also expected to be a power outage over a wide area in the vicinity of Famagusta and İskele today.

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