Cyprus, Nicosia

Number of New Students at TRNC Universities Drops by 11%

14.08.2024 / 15:17
News Category

According to the 2024 Higher Education Entrance Exam (YKS) results, organized by the Turkish Measurement, Selection, and Placement Center (ÖSYM), 12,180 students have been admitted to universities in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) this year, representing an 11% decrease compared to the previous year. In total, 72.74% of the 16,745 available university seats in Northern Cyprus have been filled this year.

Near East University enrolled the highest number of new students among TRNC universities, with 2,631 freshmen.

The European University of Lefke (EUL) admitted 2,535 students, while Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) in Famagusta enrolled 2,185 freshmen.

Cyprus Science University in Kyrenia recorded the highest percentage of filled seats, at 91.73%, followed by EUL with 86.9%.

For comparison, last year, 13,728 students were admitted to TRNC universities based on YKS results, with an overall seat occupancy rate of 82.20%.

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