Cyprus, Nicosia

Kıb-Tek reminded about the possibility of debt restructuring

18.04.2024 / 19:51

The Cyprus-Turkish electricity authority (Kıb-Tek) reminded consumers about the possibility of restructuring debts. The deadline for submitting applications for restructuring overdue payments for consumer debts of all individuals and legal entities is April 22.

In a statement by the energy company, it is mentioned that in accordance with the decree issued by the Council of Ministers and published in the Official Gazette on March 22, 2024, applications for restructuring for late payment penalties for consumer debts of all individuals and legal entities are accepted. The deadline for submitting applications expires at the end of the working day on April 22, 2024.

"Consumers wishing to take advantage of this opportunity should contact the regional authorities where the meter they want to adjust is registered," the resource provider's statement said.

Earlier, the Cyprus-Turkish electricity authority (KIB-TEK) warned debtors about electricity disconnection. Electricity was scheduled to be disconnected for persistent non-payers on April 16.

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