Cyprus, Nicosia

Major Accident in Güzelyurt: One Person Killed, Two Injured

28.06.2024 / 08:12

A major accident with fatal consequences occurred in Northern Cyprus. Three people were injured as a result of a collision between two vehicles in Güzelyurt, and one of them died in the hospital.

According to the police press office, the accident happened today around 14:50 at the Bostancı traffic lights in Güzelyurt. The driver of one of the vehicles, 61-year-old Haralambos Anastasiou, was taken to Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital in Nicosia. Despite the efforts of doctors, they were unable to save the man, and he passed away.

Two other injured passengers from one of the cars, 23-year-old Murat Akbalık and 26-year-old Özlem Polat, are still undergoing treatment in the hospital.

The driver of the second vehicle, 40-year-old Kenan Aşan, suspected of causing the accident, was arrested at the scene. Police are investigating the circumstances of the fatal accident.

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