Cyprus, Nicosia

Mikhail Chirkov and Andrey Krasnikov Win Silver at Fishing Tournament in TRNC

05.08.2024 / 15:32
News Category

Mikhail Chirkov and Andrey Krasnikov won silver at a fishing tournament in Northern Cyprus. The championship, focused on catching albacore (a type of tuna), took place on Sunday, August 4, at the Karaoglanoglu Fishing Shelter, supported by the Municipality of Kyrenia and Artesa Marine.

The competition saw participation from 260 sport fishermen across 75 boats. The first-place winners were Mehmet Kanat and Ahmet Göneli, who also won the prize for the largest fish. Mikhail Chirkov and Andrey Krasnikov took second place, while Barış Erkantan, Gültaç Ozasil, and Barkın Erkantan won bronze.

The first-place prize was 1,000 euros, second place received 700 euros, and third place earned 500 euros. All participants received commemorative gifts.

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