Cyprus, Nicosia

One Million Euros Allocated for Sewerage System Upgrade on Dereboyu Street

17.06.2024 / 09:53

The Mayor of the Turkish Municipality of Nicosia (LTB), Mehmet Harmancı, announced the signing of a tender for the improvement of the sewerage system on Deriboyu Street. The contract is valued at one million euros.

"We have signed a tender worth 1 million euros. This will ensure a lasting improvement to the sewerage system, which is currently a lifeline for Deriboyu Street," stated the mayor.

According to the mayor, these funds will modernize the sewerage system along Deriboyu Street for its entire service life. All investment programs are being implemented according to plan.

Mehmet Harmancı expressed gratitude to the Sewerage Department, UNDP, and the European Union for providing funding for the project. The mayor assured that meetings will be held with affected shops before excavation begins. It is also noted that all work must be completed before the start of the new school year.

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