Cyprus, Nicosia

At the accident-prone stretch in Northern Cyprus, a 70-meter concrete barrier has been erected

14.05.2024 / 08:10

Construction of a 70-meter concrete barrier in Yedikonuk, Northern Cyprus, has been completed. This area has been prone to frequent serious accidents.

The Department of Highways, under the direction of the Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Erhan Arıklı, was responsible for installing the barrier.

According to a statement from the Ministry, the construction of the 70-meter concrete barrier in the region, where numerous road traffic accidents have occurred in the past, has been completed to date.

Additionally, the Department of Highways reported that the Eastern Mediterranean University is conducting road maintenance and repair work on the campus premises.

As per the statement, as part of the two-stage project, which began yesterday, an area of 2800 square meters will be excavated, asphalted, and patched. It is expected that the work will be completed by the end of today.

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