Cyprus, Nicosia

A fire truck, heading to a reported fire, overturned

24.11.2023 / 15:45

A fire truck, heading to a reported fire, overturned in Dikmen-Bogazkoy. Four firefighters were taken to the hospital and soon discharged.

According to the police press service, the incident occurred today around 10:45. The fire truck, equipped with a hydrant, was heading to Bogazkoy in response to a reported fire. While in motion, one of the wheels of the vehicle got into a hole about two meters deep on the left side of the road, causing the truck to overturn and fall on its side.

As a result of the incident, four on-duty firefighters were taken to the Dr. Burhan Nalbantoglu State Hospital in Nicosia for examination and were discharged after receiving medical attention.

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