Cyprus, Nicosia

Top Officials of the TRNC Head to Istanbul for Iftar Dinner

20.03.2024 / 18:12

Today, the top officials of Northern Cyprus flew to Istanbul to participate in an iftar dinner. The evening meal is organized by the Prime Minister of the TRNC, Ünal Üstel.

At this important event in Istanbul, high-ranking officials from both countries will gather. In addition to the Prime Minister of the TRNC, those attending the dinner include the President of the country, Ersin Tatar, Minister of Tourism Fikri Ataoglu, and Minister of Public Works and Transport Erhan Arikli.

According to media reports, Turkish Vice President Cevdet Ylmaz, mayoral candidate from the PSP for the mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Murat Kurum, as well as government partners and business representatives, will be present at the dinner. The dinner will be hosted by the Turkish side.

Iftar is the evening meal eaten by Muslims during the Islamic month of Ramadan, which began for devout Muslims around the world on March 11. Dinner is served after sunset.

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