Cyprus, Nicosia

The TRNC Police conducted inspections in Famagusta, Kyrenia, and Guzelyurt

10.01.2024 / 14:53

TRNC Police checked compliance with public order and traffic rules in Famagusta, Kyrenia, and Guzelyurt. During the raids, 12 people without residency permits were arrested.

According to the police press service, the checks in three districts took place the previous evening.

In Famagusta, the police visited entertainment venues, places selling alcoholic beverages, markets, cafes, and nightclubs. In total, nine people were arrested who were living in the country without residency permits and had no legal status. During checks at casinos, 15 people were found who were prohibited from entering gambling establishments.

On the roads, 2,855 drivers were checked, revealing 513 violators. Among them, 329 exceeded the speed limit, 39 were talking on the phone while driving, and two were driving under the influence of alcohol.

In Kyrenia, places of mass gathering, entertainment venues, and cafes were also inspected. No violations were found. During raids in casinos, 37 people were found who were prohibited from entering gambling establishments.

On the roads, 985 drivers were checked, with 288 of them held accountable for various violations. Among them, 107 exceeded the speed limit, and 14 were caught driving under the influence.

In Guzelyurt, places selling alcoholic beverages, entertainment venues, and places of mass gathering were inspected. Three people living in the country without residency permits were found.

On the roads, 350 drivers were checked, revealing 70 violators, with the majority caught for speeding.

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