Cyprus, Nicosia

The President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has been conferred with the title of Honorary Doctor by Istanbul Technical University (ITU)

07.12.2023 / 12:23

President of Northern Cyprus delivered a speech at Istanbul Technical University (ITU). Ersin Tatar was bestowed with a robe and the title of an honorary doctor from the esteemed institution.

After completing a working trip to Kyrgyzstan, the head of Northern Cyprus traveled to Istanbul. Before his address and the honorary doctorate ceremony, Ersin Tatar also visited the museum of the history of Istanbul Technical University and the stands displaying student projects.As part of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the TRNC, folk songs and dances of Cypriot Turks were performed.

Following this, a video prepared by the President, detailing the 40-year history of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, was presented.In his address at ITU, the leader of Cypriot Turks referred to the TRNC as the "window to the Turkic world, opening up to the Mediterranean Sea."Ersin Tatar emphasized that in its 40th year of existence as the southernmost Turkish state in the Eastern Mediterranean, Northern Cyprus is "taking confident steps towards the future as an independent, free, and lawful state."It is worth noting that today, within the framework of the Istanbul Program, Ersin Tatar will meet with the President of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO), Chekib Avdagic, and inaugurate the exhibition "TRNC in its 40th Year," organized by ITO.

Later, Tatar will deliver a speech at the conference "Prospects for the TRNC in the Century of Turkey," organized by the Eurasian Platform for Strategic Studies.

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