Cyprus, Nicosia


24.11.2023 / 12:01

President of the TRNC, Ersin Tatar, has returned to the country after a week-long overseas trip. The Head of Northern Cyprus concluded his official visits to London and the Republic of Turkey.

In London, the President participated in the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, visited Turkish schools, met with representatives of the Cypriot-Turkish community, established contacts in the British Parliament, and discussed the resolution of the Cyprus problem with British parliamentarians.

Additionally, the Head of Northern Cyprus met with citizens at the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, organized by the TRNC representation in London and the Council of Turkish Cypriot Associations in England.

After the United Kingdom, Ersin Tatar traveled to the Republic of Turkey, where he visited Bilecik and Konya. After completing all protocol events, the President returned to Northern Cyprus.

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