Cyprus, Nicosia

Camper vans Ordered to Leave Karpas Peninsula

20.09.2024 / 13:52
News Category

The TRNC Environmental Protection Agency has issued a warning that overnight stays are prohibited within the Karpas Special Protected Area. A notice to vacate the area has already been issued to 36 campervans.

According to the agency’s statement, the warning was directed at the owners of caravans, tents, vehicles, and other temporary structures found during an inspection on September 19.

Under current regulations, caravan owners are only permitted to stay in the designated area between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM.

However, as these individuals remained in the area past 8:00 PM, they were issued warnings and instructed to leave the protected zone.

In total, 36 notifications were handed out. Of these, 14 trailers were found in the Koca Reis - Rai area, 9 in the Sea Bird area, 4 in the Erenköy – Dipkarpaz picnic zone, 5 behind the so-called Police Houses, and 1 each near the Livana Hotel and Monastery Square.

For four of the caravan owners, this was a repeat violation, and criminal proceedings will be initiated against them.

The Environmental Protection Agency further stated that it will continue conducting inspections as part of its ongoing efforts to protect turtles and sand lilies in the region.

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