Cyprus, Nicosia

The Name of the Potential UN Envoy to Cyprus Revealed

05.12.2023 / 14:29

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has named his future envoy for the Cyprus problem. The Cyprus-Greek side has already approved the new candidate, and it is expected that the Turkish Cypriots will also agree to the proposed option.

According to the Politis newspaper, the former Foreign Minister of Colombia, Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, has been nominated for the role of the UN Secretary-General's envoy on the Cyprus problem.

It is noted that the politician's candidacy was put forward after the Cypriot-Turkish side rejected the last proposed candidate, Australian Julie Bishop.

According to local media reports, the Cyprus-Greek side has already accepted the new candidate proposed by Antonio Guterres. Now everything depends on the verdict of the Cypriot-Turkish side.

It is also noted that the likelihood of approval for the former Colombian Foreign Minister is quite high, as she meets all the criteria, including one of the requirements of the Turkish Cypriots: the UN envoy should not be from either an EU or a Commonwealth country.

Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia from 2010 to 2018. She also headed Colombia's mission to the UN and served as her country's ambassador to Venezuela.

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