Cyprus, Nicosia

In several districts of Northern Cyprus, water disruptions are observed

10.05.2024 / 19:04
News Category

Due to maintenance work on the water supply project in Northern Cyprus, water disruptions are being observed. According to a statement from the Department of Water Resources of Northern Cyprus, water has been cut off since May 6 and continues in areas from Famagusta to Karpaz.

According to the department, initially, it was planned that water would be cut off from May 6 to May 9 due to scheduled repair work in the Yeniceköy area. However, according to current information, the cause of the disruptions was a malfunction in the area of the old Eyva restaurant on the Famagusta - Iskele line.

The Department of Water Resources of Northern Cyprus has not yet provided precise information on the duration of the disruptions, and repair work is ongoing.

The department noted that the shutdowns have affected many municipalities, but the residents of Famagusta have been the most affected.

"The initial information provided by the Department of Water Resources of Northern Cyprus about the water shutdown in our city stated that water would be cut off from May 6 to May 9 due to repair work to be carried out in the Yeniceköy area. Representatives of the department have not yet provided clear information to the teams of our municipality about when the malfunction will be rectified," wrote Famagusta Mayor Suleyman Uluchay on his social media page.

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