Cyprus, Nicosia

In Nicosia, Woman on Trial for Paying with Counterfeit Dollars at a Jewelry Store

04.10.2024 / 20:08
News Category

A woman has been brought to trial in Nicosia for allegedly paying with counterfeit dollars at a jewelry store. Alongside her, a man who allegedly supplied her with the fake currency was also arrested.

The accused, Nasibe Memedova, attempted to pay with counterfeit $2,000 bills during her shopping trip at a jewelry store in Nicosia. She received the fake money from Jamal Chokaev.

During the court session, a police officer testified that the purchase occurred on October 2. Both suspects were detained the same day. In court, Memedova denied the charges against her.

"I borrowed $2,000 from my friend Jamal. I've been doing business with this jeweler for seven years. I didn’t know the money was counterfeit. It’s not my fault," she stated.

The second suspect, Chokaev, also claimed that he was unaware the money was fake.

The judge ordered both suspects to be held for three days for further investigation.

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