Cyprus, Nicosia

In November, contact lenses became more expensive in Northern Cyprus and eggplants became cheaper

05.12.2023 / 14:37
News Category

The TRNC Institute of Statistics calculated the “cost of living” in Northern Cyprus in November. Over the month, prices increased by 4.42%, from December last year by 74.16%, compared to November 2022 - by 81.99%.


 According to the study, the highest price increase in the main expense groups compared to the previous month occurred in the “communications” category - 13.03%.


 In the group “Furniture, household appliances and home care services” the growth was 11.87%, in the category “Clothing and footwear” - 10.43%, “Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products” - 8.67%, in the main group “Restaurants and hotels” - 6.55%, “Restaurants and hotels” - 10.43%, in the section “Housing, water, electricity, gas and other types of fuel” the increase was 6.41%.


 Compared to the previous month, 593 items of goods included in the evaluation index increased in price in the country, and average prices decreased by 41 items.


 The top three products in terms of price growth were contact lenses (61.25%), digital cameras (55.48%), as well as sofas and beds - 50.79%.

 The prices that fell the most were eggplants - 44.04%, zucchini - 39.51% and green beans - 38.36%.

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