Cyprus, Nicosia

Furniture Factory in Nicosia Industrial Zone Destroyed by Fire

04.09.2024 / 13:56
News Category

A major fire broke out in the industrial zone of Nicosia last night, destroying the Sırdaş Mobilya furniture factory. The workshop will be unable to fulfill customer orders for the foreseeable future.

According to emergency services, the fire at the furniture factory began around 1:30 AM. Firefighters, civil defense teams, and security forces, using water tankers from the municipalities of Gonyeli and Nicosia, managed to bring the blaze under control.

The fire caused significant damage to the workshops and offices of Sırdaş Mobilya, as well as to the warehouse and roof of the Sadun Erhun Gümrükleme company. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

Ahmet Kasapogulları, the owner of the business, made a statement about the incident.

  • "The fire has been brought under control, but the factory is no longer operational. For some time, we won’t be able to provide services as the office building has been completely destroyed," the businessman wrote on his social media page.

Kasapogulları noted that the fire only affected the ironworks and skirting board production. All other production facilities are located elsewhere. The company plans to resume operations within a few days.

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