Cyprus, Nicosia

An Environmental Cleanup Competition Will Take Place in the TRNC

18.04.2024 / 10:48

The "Zero Waste Garbage Collection Marathon" has been announced in Northern Cyprus. The competition will take place in different cities of the TRNC throughout May.

The "Zero Waste Garbage Collection Marathon" will be held under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth, and Environment of the TRNC to raise environmental awareness among the population.

Events of the marathon will be held every Saturday in various regions of the country. Participation in the event will be possible in Kyrenia on May 4, in Nicosia on May 11, in Famagusta on May 18, and in the districts of Güzelyurt and Lefke on May 25.

The winners of the marathon, who collect the most garbage, will be awarded at a ceremony held on World Environment Day, June 5, at the ancient port of Kyrenia.

Three categories are provided in total: awards will be given to the first two teams that collect the most garbage, the largest amount of recyclable waste, and the most glass.

The total prize fund of the marathon is 40,000 Turkish lira.

Applications to participate in the marathon are accepted from groups of four people through the accounts of the Youth Federation on social networks, as well as through a special application.

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