A higher education summit with the participation of Turkey is taking place in the TRNC
A higher education summit is underway in Nicosia. Delegations from the Council of Higher Education of the Republic of Turkey (YÖK) and the Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation, and Coordination Council of the TRNC (YÖDAK) have gathered to participate.
The meetings will take place in the conference hall of the TRNC Audit Office and will last for two days. On the first day of the meetings, members of the YÖK and YÖDAK boards, university rectors, and IT specialists will hold strategic discussions on education and technology. The second-day meeting will continue with a narrower group of participants.
It is reported that the meetings aim to expand cooperation and quality standards in higher education.
These strategic meetings, aimed at strengthening the educational bridge between the TRNC and Turkey, are expected to contribute to further development of relations between the two sides.