On the weekend, a cycling event will take place in Northern Cyprus in memory of the martyrs
On Saturday, a cycling event will be held in Northern Cyprus as part of the "Week of Memory for National Struggle and Martyrs, December 21-25." The sports event is organized by the Federation of Turkish Cypriot Cyclists.
The race will start at 07:30 in front of the Kyrenia Gate at the Martyrs Monument in Nicosia. Cyclists will ride to the Honda traffic light, turn right at the intersection, and travel along the Nicosia-Famagusta route.
Then, at the Dörtyol intersection, they will turn left and ride to Atlılar, Muratağa, and Sandallar. After that, participants in the cycling event will turn back and follow the same route to reach the starting point.
Throughout the route, cyclists will be accompanied by a police escort, and all intersections and circles on the route will be closed to traffic by the police.
Drivers using this route are requested to understand the temporary inconveniences and to adhere to the speed limit, road signs, and markings.