Cyprus, Nicosia

How to get from Famagusta to Iskele?

Updated: 8 months ago
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Buses from Famagusta to Iskele depart five times a day and can be found at the Itimat bus station near the large roundabout.

Buses also pick up passengers at the Macro supermarket on the main street. Additionally, while walking along the main street, you can simply wave down minibuses with the inscription "Gasimagusa - Iskele".

The fare is 40 lira, and the journey takes about half an hour. The boarding locations are shown on the maps below.

If you are interested not in the Iskele town itself, but in the Caesar Resort or the coastline leading to it, you can use the shuttle service between this complex and Famagusta. Here is the schedule:

Автостанция İtimat (İtimat bus station)
Место посадки у Macro (Macro's planting site)
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