Cyprus, Nicosia

How to get from Lefke to Nicosia?

Updated: 10 months ago
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Lefke is the westernmost major city in Northern Cyprus, and it takes just over an hour to reach the capital directly or with a transfer in Guzelyurt.

There are only two direct trips to Nicosia, at 6:30 and 12:30.

With a transfer to Guzelyurt, there are many more options to reach Nicosia - buses run every half an hour from 6:00 to 18:00 (the last trip to the capital). You need to buy a ticket at the counter near the street cafe and wait (usually about 10 minutes) for the next bus.

The return schedule from Nicosia is the same, and you can find the bus at the bus station (location below). Tickets are purchased at the counter under the sign "Akva".

Bus schedule on the company's website.

Автостанция Лефке (Lefke bus station)
Автовокзал Никосии (Nicosia Bus Station)
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