Cyprus, Nicosia

How to pay the road tax in Northern Cyprus?

Updated: 8 months ago
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Vehicle owners in Northern Cyprus must pay an annual vehicle tax.

дорожный налог на Северном Кипре

Vehicle Tax Rates in the TRNC

The road tax in Northern Cyprus varies depending on the weight of the vehicle and on average, it is around 700 lira for 2024. You can find out the exact amount on the tax office website after logging in.

Online Road Tax Payment

The road tax (Road Tax) can be paid online via this link.

You may need to proceed to another page of the website, as shown in the screenshot below.

дорожный налог на Северном Кипре

Entering Data on the Tax Office Website

  1. In the first field, enter the vehicle number without spaces in the format XX000.
  2. In the second field, enter the driver's passport number that was valid at the time of vehicle registration. If you can't log in, try placing an N between the series and the passport number. Spaces are not allowed.
  3. In the third field, enter the vehicle registration date. It is written on the cover of the technical passport. It may be called "Araç Mülkiyet Devir Tarihi" (if issued before 06.01.2020) or "Belge Düzenleme Tarihi".
  4. In the fourth field, enter the security code shown on the screen.

After confirmation, a window will open with the services offered on the left side of the screen. To pay the tax, select the top option.

Payment at the Tax Office

Personal payments at the tax office are accepted in the following cities:

  • Nicosia
  • Famagusta
  • Kyrenia
  • Güzelyurt
  • İskele
  • Lefka

Before you go, make sure that it is time to pay the road tax for your vehicle, which will be visible on the website. Here is an example of the assessed tax with payment due in November.

дорожный налог на Северном Кипре

Frequently Asked Questions about the Road Tax in Northern Cyprus

What are the penalties for unpaid road tax?

If the road tax is not paid, the fine will be 2758.7 lira. If it is paid but you do not have the payment receipt during a check, the fine will be 1379.35 lira. No penalty points are assigned for these violations.

Where to address questions about the road tax?

  • The tax office has a technical support phone number: 444 01 16
  • Short call center number for vehicle registration: 1300
  • Email: [email protected]
  • You can also contact various contacts on the website.

When can the road tax be paid in Northern Cyprus?

You can pay the tax for the current period as well as the accrued tax for previous years. You have 30 calendar days to pay. You can find out which month you can make the payment on the website mentioned above.

You can ask additional questions in the "Auto" chat of the largest Telegram forum in Northern Cyprus, which has over 20,000 users.

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