Cyprus, Nicosia

Summary. Denis

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Certificates of incomplete secondary and secondary education in Lyceum #9, Shymkent city, Kazakhstan.
Transcript for the first year at the European University of Lefke (Business Administration).
Transcript for the second year at the International University of Cyprus (Business Administration).
Work Experience:
Sales manager, consultant in a marketing company
Mediator, dispatcher in the field of logistics
Administrator, cashier, consultant in a children's centre.
Languages: Turkish(spoken) Kazakh(spoken) Russian(native speaker) English(B2) French(elementary, A1/A2)
Personal qualities: Communicability, responsibility, discipline, punctuality, teamwork, work with clients, friendliness, focus on results.
Skills and abilities: Work with PC in some MS programmes, basic knowledge of web design and programming, placement and publication of ads in social networks.