Cyprus, Nicosia

Do you need to register a drone in Cyprus?

Updated: 2 days ago
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Short answer — yes, but not every drone. Let's go through the nuances of drone registration in Cyprus.

Нужно ли регистрировать дрон на Кипре

Drone registration in Cyprus

If you are a drone owner and are 18 years or older, you must register as a “drone operator” — provided that your drone is equipped with a camera or other equipment capable of capturing personal data and weighs more than 250 grams.

It is important to note that when registering a standard drone, the operator is registered, but for the "special" category, the drone itself is registered.

Another important point: Since January 1, 2024, all drones operated in the European Union must be marked with an identification label of their class (as shown in the photo below). If there is no such label and the drone weighs more than 250 grams, it falls into the special category and requires an application for an operational permit.

Где на Кипре нельзя запускать дрон

Drone registration confirmation in Cyprus

After registration, you will receive an operator registration number, which you must place on all your drones in a way that prevents it from being erased.

It must be clearly visible during an external inspection of the drone. This can be an engraving, a non-removable sticker, or a permanent marker.

You must also upload this number to your drone, provided your drone has this capability.

Как клеить регистрационный номер на дрон на Кипре

Frequently asked questions about drones in Cyprus

Can you register under the age of 18?

If it is a standard drone weighing more than 250 grams, you can only register if you are 18 or older. Otherwise, a responsible person (e.g., parent, guardian, friend) can register as the operator on your behalf. However, all certified drones must be registered by their owner.

How much does drone registration in Cyprus cost?

To successfully register a drone, you must pay a registration fee of €15. Payment can only be made with a Visa card.

How long is the registration valid?

The registration is valid for three years. After this period, you must register again.

Where can you fly a drone in Cyprus?

To understand where you cannot fly a drone in Cyprus or where flying is restricted, visit the website for information. We have adapted and translated this information into our article on no-fly zones in Cyprus.

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