Cyprus, Nicosia

Congratulations on the birthday of the project Cyprus-FAQ!

Updated: 10 months ago
Want to add your FAQ?

On May 6, 2020, a Telegram chat dedicated to life on the island was created in Cyprus. Over time, the website was launched, which consolidates all the knowledge about Cyprus in a convenient format, with clear navigation and categorization by topics, and is constantly updated with new information.

Today, the site is visited by over 50 thousand unique users per month! We are incredibly proud of these numbers and want to thank everyone who has visited our resource!

Some notable figures: over 30 thousand users access the site through search, and around 10 thousand visit directly! The most visits come from Cyprus itself (almost 20 thousand), followed by Russia (6.3 thousand) in second place, and Turkey (6.1 thousand) in third place with a slight margin. Germany, Poland, the United Kingdom, and Ukraine follow next.

In honor of this significant date, we have prepared useful innovations for you. Now you can register on the site and gain access to new features:

  • post your content
  • publish job vacancies and resumes
  • post announcements of your events
  • create a list of favorite companies
  • influence the ranking of companies through likes
  • registration is possible as a user or a company

You can register yourself or your company at this link.

Congratulations to the Cyprus-FAQ project on its Birthday, we wish it prosperity, and to the users - to find as much useful information as possible on the site's pages!

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