Cyprus, Nicosia

Where in Cyprus is it forbidden to fly a drone?

Updated: 2 weeks ago
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If you own a quadcopter or any other drone, it's important to study the no-fly zones in Cyprus.

Где на Кипре нельзя запускать дрон

Restricted drone flight zones in Cyprus

To understand where drone flights are prohibited or restricted in Cyprus, visit the official website

In addition to the main regulations listed on the website, there is also a map of no-fly zones.

Before planning a flight, you must check whether the area where you intend to fly is within a geographical zone where drone flights are restricted or prohibited. All such zones are marked on the map linked above.

Each zone, displayed as a circle or polygon on the map, contains relevant information, such as the zone administrator, contact details, and instructions on how to request access to that zone if applicable.

Где на Кипре нельзя запускать дрон

According to regulations, this map must also be uploaded to your drone if it falls into one of the following classes: C1, C2, C3, C5, C6.

European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) requirements

EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) requires that from January 1, 2024, all drones operated within the European Union must be marked with a class identification label.

It is crucial to note that any drones placed on the market after 01.01.2024 without a class identification label cannot be operated in the open category. They may only be used in the specific category after applying for an operational authorization.

The class identification label is a standardized label that classifies drones based on their weight, capabilities, and potential risk. The regulations define seven classes, C0 to C6, each with a unique label that must be affixed to the drone.

Где на Кипре нельзя запускать дрон

Frequently asked questions about drone flights in Cyprus

Is drone registration required in Cyprus?

Drone pilot registration is mandatory in Cyprus. Drone owners and operators must comply with current legislation. Violating the law is a criminal offense, and violators will be subject to fines. Registration rules can be found on the official website.

Who can register a drone?

The registration of an unmanned aerial vehicle, regardless of its category (open, specific, or certified), can only be completed by the drone owner.

Where should I report a drone-related incident?

According to Regulation (EU) No 376/2014, you must report any incidents so that regulatory authorities can take appropriate action. Submit an incident report by completing the official online form via this link.

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