Rick and Morty Artist to Attend Cyprus Comic Con
Renowned British artist Mark Ellerby, known for his work on the animated series "Rick and Morty," will be a special guest at Cyprus Comic Con. This annual fan convention will be held from October 5th to 6th at the Kratiki Ekthesi Exhibition Center.
"We are thrilled to announce that the incredible Mark Ellerby, the talented artist behind the hit comic series 'Rick and Morty,' will be joining us as a special guest this year! Prepare for an unforgettable weekend filled with art, laughter, and interdimensional adventures," said the event organizers.
The full convention schedule and participant list will be published in September 2024.
In addition to "Rick and Morty," Mark Ellerby is also known for his work on projects such as "Doctor Who," "Regular Show," "The Amazing World of Gumball," and "Dungeons & Dragons."
Ellerby is also the creator of the autobiographical diary comic "Ellerbisms" and the fantasy comedy series for young audiences, "Chloe Noonan: Monster Hunter."