Cyprus, Nicosia

Cyprus has approved the National Maritime Spatial Plan

21.12.2023 / 10:18
News Category

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Cyprus has endorsed the National Maritime Spatial Plan, described as a "decisive step towards the comprehensive development of Cyprus' maritime sector."

Following the Cabinet meeting, Deputy Minister of Shipping, Marina Hadjimanolis, explained that the plan delineates the spatial-temporal distribution of current and future activities and resource utilization in the maritime waters of the Republic of Cyprus.

The primary objective of the plan is to support and promote sustainable development at sea, employing an ecosystem-based approach.

The plan takes into account social, economic, ecological, and cultural aspects while advocating for the coexistence of relevant activities and resource utilization.

"Through maritime spatial planning, our Republic aims to contribute to the sustainable development of maritime sectors, including renewable energy sources, maritime transport, fisheries, aquaculture, and tourism," the minister stated.

Other measures considered in the plan include raw material extraction, protection of underwater antiquities, ensuring environmental conservation and improvement, as well as addressing the consequences of climate change.

The Maritime Territorial Plan project covers all existing and proposed maritime initiatives in the energy sector, such as hydrocarbon exploration sites, the East Med pipeline, and the EuroAsia Interconnector project.

Measures have also been taken for the appropriate zoning of the Energy Center, encompassing all future planning and energy infrastructure.

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