Cyprus, Nicosia

Zivania: The Famous Alcoholic Drink of Cyprus

Updated: 6 days ago
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If you are a wine lover, you have probably heard about the famous Commandaria. If not, we recommend reading about the history of this drink. Among strong alcoholic beverages, Zivania holds an equally prominent place.

Зивания: история, метод производства, употребление, крепость

What is Zivania

It is a traditional strong alcoholic drink made from grapes through the distillation of grape pomace left after wine production. Everything is mixed with dry wine and then distilled.

The drink is geographically protected, meaning that only products made in Cyprus can be called Zivania, even if the same production techniques are used outside the island.

Zivania usually comes in three types:

  • clear (pure distillation without additives)
  • red or pinkish (with added spices, often cinnamon)
  • golden (aged in barrels, typically oak)

The History of Zivania

Noticed that Zivania resembles grappa? That’s no surprise—it’s essentially the same grape-based spirit, introduced to Cypriots by the Italians when the island was under the rule of the Venetian Republic.

The drink has been produced in Cyprus since around the late 14th century, with evidence of its continued production during the Ottoman and British occupations of the island.

  • Interesting fact: In 1949, the British Empire tried to promote its own spirits and banned production—resulting in Zivania going underground until the island's decolonization.

Zivania's Strength

Zivania surpasses even traditional vodka in strength. The bottles we see in stores have an alcohol content artificially reduced to 45% at the factory. However, in home production, this figure can reach up to 70%.

  • Interesting fact: At the Kykkos Monastery, monks produce Zivania with an alcohol content of around 50%.

Зивания Киккос: история, метод производства, употребление, крепость

How Zivania is Consumed

Zivania is served chilled and pure, accompanied by almonds, walnut wood, loukoumi, soutzoukos, or small snacks like traditional Cypriot sausage or lountza (traditional smoked pork). It is often served as an aperitif to traditional Cypriot meze.

Interestingly, Zivania was also used for other purposes, such as treating wounds, rubbing the body, curing colds and toothaches, and as a warming drink during the cold winter months, especially in the Troodos mountain villages.

Зивания: история, метод производства, употребление, крепость

Frequently Asked Questions About Zivania

Where is the stress placed in the word Zivania?

The stress in the word Zivania is on the second "i." The word comes from “zivan,” which in Greek means grape pomace. Many believe it refers to a specific variety of Cypriot grape, but this is not the case—it refers to the pomace.

What grape variety is Zivania made from?

The traditional grape varieties used are Xynisteri and Mavro, and they can be mixed. If other grapes are used, their name must be reflected in the label, for example, "Zivania Sauvignon."

Who produces Zivania?

Major producers in Cyprus include KEO, LOEL Tsiakkas, SODAP, and ETKO. There are also smaller producers, and Zivania is traditionally distilled in villages, particularly in the Troodos mountains. Even the famous Kykkos Monastery has not been an exception—the monks have been producing this drink for quite some time.

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