Cyprus, Nicosia

How to get from Paphos Airport to Limassol?

Updated: 11 months ago
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Paphos Airport is not as popular as Larnaca Airport, but budget carriers fly here during the season.

To reach the main tourist center of Cyprus, you can take the Limassol Airport Express buses, which start running depending on the day of the week from 8-9 in the morning, operate only 5-6 flights per day, and finish at different times.

Below you can see the schedule for winter 2024:

Аэропорт Пафос Лимассол автобус

The fare is 10 euros, children up to 12 years old - 5 euros, children up to 3 years old - free. No advance booking is required, tickets are purchased in cash from the driver before departure.

Автостанция в Лимассоле (Limassol Bus Station)
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