Cyprus, Nicosia

How to confirm a medical qualification in NC?

Updated: 8 months ago
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To work in a third country, especially in medicine, you need at least knowledge of English. And to work in Northern Cyprus, the Turkish language is preferable. Of course, you can always find Russian-speaking patients, but you should know Turkish and English for a mature professional practice.

You must bring your medical training certificate to YÖDAK and ask for confirmation – denklik. They also require a Turkish translation of the certificate, apostilled in your country. For a certificate, you should request a curriculum from your university – according to it, the official structures of NC compare the required number of subject hours. The verification process takes about a year. Then they give you medical accreditation.

After that, you can work in a medical organization in NC.

If you are not a member of a Cypriot family, you will have to obtain a working visa. To do this, you need to find a public hospital or a private clinic to hire you. But since jobs are a priority for Cypriots, you will have to prove your uniqueness as a specialist. More precisely, the organization should prove why they hire you, but not a local doctor. As a rule, the clinic posts a vacancy announcement, and if no Cypriot responds within 15 days, they hire a foreign doctor.

For the time of your work, they will register you at the Association of Doctors, but after you quit, they will withdraw the registration. Lifetime registration is available only to Cypriots.

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