Cyprus, Nicosia

Which tourist insurances are valid in Northern Cyprus?

Updated: 6 months ago
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Insurance is a very important part of a trip, but not all insurance companies operate in the partially recognized Republic of Northern Cyprus.

For many insurers, the issue lies in the status of Northern Cyprus, which is only recognized as independent by Turkey. Therefore, there are not as many options for purchasing an insurance policy as there are when traveling to most countries, but they do exist.

туристическая страховка северный кипр

Insurance Aggregators for Northern Cyprus

Similar to hotels and car rentals, aggregators gather data from different companies and present them in a convenient form in one place. Most insurance companies do not include Northern Cyprus in their databases, so this country does not appear on the list.

The exception is the company Tripinsurance. They have their own assistance service (a company that directly communicates with clinics) that interacts with medical institutions both in the southern and northern parts of the island.

туристическая страховка северный кипр

Insurance Companies in Northern Cyprus

You can also purchase medical insurance from insurance companies that operate directly in Northern Cyprus. Here are a few insurers:

Frequently Asked Questions about Insurance in Northern Cyprus

Will worldwide coverage insurance help?

You can purchase insurance with worldwide coverage, but it is advisable to check the policy or clarify with customer support whether the assistance service works with medical institutions in Northern Cyprus, especially if you do not have access to the southern part.

Assistance services that work in both the south and the north:

  • AXA Assistance
  • Savitar Group

Can insurance be purchased in the Republic of Cyprus?

If you visit the northern part of the island as part of a trip to the southern part and arrive at an airport in the south (Paphos or Larnaca), you can also purchase insurance of this kind. However, be prepared for the fact that services will be provided by clinics in the southern part of the island.

Where can I find state clinics in Northern Cyprus?

Municipal hospitals are available in major cities in the northern part of the island. You can find a complete list at this link.

You can ask any questions related to treatment in Northern Cyprus in the "Medicine" chat on the TRNC Telegram forum here.

туристическая страховка северный кипр
An example of calculating an insurance policy for Northern Cyprus from Tripinsurance
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