Cyprus, Nicosia

KIB-TEK will disconnect electricity debtors tomorrow

15.04.2024 / 18:50

The Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority (KIB-TEK) has warned debtors about an impending electricity disconnection. According to the resource provider, electricity will be disconnected for persistent non-payers as early as tomorrow, April 16th.

In the KIB-TEK announcement, it is stated that due to the institution's debt collection, electricity will be disconnected on Tuesday, April 16th, 2024, for all individuals and legal entities whose bills have expired in March 2024 or earlier, and whose debt exceeds 675 TL.

To avoid problems with electricity supply, subscribers are urged to settle their outstanding debts.

The announcement also reminded that the fee for reconnection is 275.87 Turkish lira.

It's worth noting that this is the second warning of disconnection for electricity debtors in April.

Earlier, energy providers sent out the same notification at the beginning of the month, promising to cut off electricity to non-payers on April 2nd.

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