Cyprus, Nicosia

The air temperature will drop by 2-3°C below normal: weather in Northern Cyprus on November 29

29.11.2023 / 08:14

According to the Department of Meteorology of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), on Wednesday, November 29, the region is under the influence of low pressure and cool moist air. Meteorologists predict variable cloudiness with clearings.

The air temperature will drop by 2-3°C below the seasonal climatic norm. The maximum air temperature today will be around 24°C. The wind is northeast, of moderate strength.

There are no active weather warnings from meteorologists in the region.

Weather on November 29 by regions:

Northern Coast: Kyrenia - 21°C, Lapta - 21°C, Akdeniz - 17°C, Alevkaya - 16°C, Esentepe - 18°C.

Western Coast: Lefke - 19°C, Güzelyurt - 21°C.

Central Part: Nicosia - 21°C, Erzhan - 21°C.

Eastern Coast: Famagusta - 21°C, Iskele - 21°C.

Karpas: Yenierenkoy - 19°C.