Cyprus, Nicosia

Illegal Mutton Seized at the Metehan Border Crossing in Nicosia

30.05.2024 / 22:11

At the Metehan border crossing in Nicosia, 60 kilograms of undeclared mutton were confiscated, which had not been declared at customs.

The meat was found in the trunk of a car attempting to cross the border. The illegal goods were discovered and confiscated by the police and employees of the Customs and Tax Department of the checkpoint.

According to local media reports, the owner of the vehicle transporting the undeclared meat has been fined 50,000 Turkish lira. There has been no official statement from the police regarding this matter as of yet.

It's worth noting that earlier, frozen meat imports were permitted in Northern Cyprus. The first batch will arrive in TRNC from the Netherlands later this week.

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