The Budget Marathon in Northern Cyprus Enters Its Second Week
Today marks the start of the second week of the budget marathon in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). The General Assembly of the Republic continues its discussions on the draft budget law for the Central Government Administration for the 2025 fiscal year.
According to the parliamentary press office, today’s agenda includes discussions on the Presidential Civil Service Commission's budget, set at 92,485,800 Turkish Lira, and the Ministry of National Education's budget, amounting to 16,700,959,000 Turkish Lira. Additionally, the budgets of the Atatürk Teachers Academy, the European University of Lefke, and the Eastern Mediterranean University are also under review.
Budget negotiations are expected to conclude on Friday, December 20, when the General Assembly will hold a final vote on the full TRNC budget for 2025.
The budget marathon initially began on Monday, December 9. During the first week, budgets were approved for the Presidency, the Republican Assembly, the Prime Minister's Office and its affiliated institutions, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Environment, the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation, the Ministry of Interior, the Police, the Ministry of Economy and Energy, the Civil Defense Organization, the Ombudsman, and the Chief Prosecutor’s Office.
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