Cyprus, Nicosia

Stricter Penalties for Harming Turtle Nests in Northern Cyprus

05.07.2024 / 14:52

The TRNC Department of Environmental Protection has announced increased inspections in special conservation areas and on beaches where turtles lay their eggs.

Citizens who engage in activities that hinder the egg-laying of Caretta caretta turtles will be fined double the minimum wage.

According to the department's statement, beach goers can park motorhomes and set up tents from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Under the Environmental Protection Law, people and equipment are prohibited from being on the beaches after 8:00 PM.

“Considering that turtles lay their eggs after sunset, the beaches should be vacated after 8:00 PM,” the statement said.

According to Environmental Protection Law No. 18/2012, those who do not comply with this rule will be fined two months' minimum wage.

To report individuals violating the law, you can contact the Environmental Protection Agency hotline “Alo 123.”

Read also: Where to Find Turtles in Northern Cyprus?

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