Cyprus, Nicosia

The date for signing the agreement on the creation of the "Vessel Traffic Services System" (GTHS) in the TRNC has been announced

22.01.2024 / 10:27
News Category

The creation of the "Vessel Traffic Services System" (GTHS) in the TRNC has reached the agreement signing stage. The document will be signed on January 23 in Ankara.

The ceremony will be attended by the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of Turkey, Abdulkadir Uraloğlu, and the Minister of Public Works and Transport of the TRNC, Erhan Arıklı.

According to the statement from the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of Turkey, the GTHS project will be implemented in the TRNC to protect the interests of the country in Northern Cyprus and monitor maritime transport between the two countries.

It is worth recalling that the creation of the "Vessel Traffic Services System" in the TRNC was announced last week. The project is included in the investment program of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of Turkey. The main management of maritime affairs of the Republic of Turkey will be responsible for creating the service.

The "Vessel Traffic Services System" will identify ships, continuously monitor and regulate vessel traffic, transmit navigational information, and provide general warnings to ships. Its establishment will increase Turkey's influence in the Eastern Mediterranean.

It is noted that the contract for the creation of GTHS in the TRNC will be signed with the company HAVELSAN. The system will consist of a center in Famagusta and three traffic monitoring stations (Karpaz, Sadrazamköy, and Zeytinlik Lighthouse).

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