TRNC Exports Recycled Tires to Turkey for the First Time
For the first time, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has exported recycled car tires to Turkey. Approximately 1,600 tons of granulated rubber were loaded onto a ship at Famagusta Port and sent to the Çimsa cement manufacturing plant.

The project was carried out under the supervision of the Environmental Protection Department. Gürdağ Entegre Geri Dönüşüm Ltd. processed the accumulated used tires, converting them into metal-free granulated raw material.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth, and Environment, Fikri Ataoğlu, described the export of recycled tires as a “major milestone” for the TRNC, highlighting both its environmental and economic benefits.
“It's a significant achievement that used tires, which had been piling up in the country for years, are now being recycled in an eco-friendly way while also contributing to the economy,” he stated.
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