Cyprus, Nicosia

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was visited by a delegation from Istanbul Technical University

17.03.2024 / 12:56

The rectors of Istanbul Technical University (ITU) arrived in Northern Cyprus on a working visit. The delegation from one of the oldest universities in the world was received by TRNC President Ersin Tatar and the Minister of National Education of the country, Nazım Çavuşoğlu.

The President of Northern Cyprus met with the rector of Istanbul Technical University, İsmail Koyuncu, the rector of the university's branch in the TRNC, Murat Sarı, and the vice-rector, Ali Deniz.

Ersin Tatar announced that he was pleased to receive the rectors of the university, which is one of the most important and well-established universities in the Turkish Republic and has had a campus in the TRNC for a long time.

Highlighting that ITU is one of the universities where the most successful people in Turkey have graduated, Ersin Tatar stated that the fact that such a prestigious educational institution has a campus in the TRNC is a significant advantage for the country.

During the meeting with the Minister of National Education of the TRNC, issues of cooperation and development in the field of education were discussed.

In particular, it was announced that ITU TRNC will start the education process in Famagusta in the 2024-2025 academic year and will admit students with the A-level system.

In his speech at the reception, Nazım Çavuşoğlu emphasized that all efforts are being made in Northern Cyprus to improve the quality of education and provide the best opportunities for students. In his response, the rector of ITU, İsmail Koyuncu, thanked the minister for the reception.

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