The occupancy rate of hotels in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) for New Year's is expected to reach almost 80%
Experts have estimated the approximate occupancy of hotels in Northern Cyprus for the upcoming New Year holidays. The average level for all hotels will be around 78%.
According to the President of the Cyprus Turkish Hoteliers Association (KITOB), Dimag Chaginer, the occupancy of large five-star hotels is expected to be 92 percent, while small hotels will have an occupancy of about 64 percent. Thus, on average, TRNC hotels will be filled to about 78%.
It is anticipated that 28 out of the 106 hotels belonging to the association will have full occupancy during the New Year holidays.
In another 27 accommodation establishments, the occupancy is expected to be between 60 and 99 percent.
It's worth noting that earlier reports mentioned that the number of tourists in Northern Cyprus exceeded one million people in the year 2023.
Check our website for: the list of beachfront hotels in Kyrenia, the best hotels in Famagusta, as well as instructions on how to book a hotel online in Northern Cyprus
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