Cyprus, Nicosia

North Cyprus education system

Updated: 1 year ago
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In Northern Cyprus, the education system was built in the likeness of the British one. It includes four steps:

  1. Preschool education is a visit to kindergartens, where you can enroll a child from 1.5 years old. In kindergartens, children are grouped into groups. Much attention is paid to the English language. If the kindergarten is British, then the communication and preschool development of children (games, tasks, etc.) are entirely in English. Children attend kindergarten until they are 6 years old.
  2. Elementary School. Education begins at the age of 6 and lasts 5 years. Primary schools in Northern Cyprus are either municipal or private. The level of education is good everywhere. Municipal schools also pay great attention to English.
  3. Secondary school. A very important step in the education system. The fact is that already in secondary school it would be good to decide where your child will study next. Almost all private schools in Northern Cyprus are run by certain colleges and universities. Education in secondary private schools is based on the specifics of a particular university/college. In municipal secondary schools, you can get a good basic education in English and Turkish, and then enter a university. But, of course, there will be no such preferences as when enrolling from private schools. Education in private and municipal schools takes place five days a week.
  4. Higher education (colleges, universities). Higher educational institutions in Northern Cyprus, such as local ones, issue international diplomas. After graduating from universities in Northern Cyprus, you can successfully find a good job anywhere in the world.
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