Cyprus, Nicosia

How to get to Ercan by public transport from the cities of Northern Cyprus?

Updated: 3 months ago
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It is possible to get to/from the airport by local minibus, dolmuş. The transport operates only to Kyrenia and Nicosia. But if you need to reach Iskele or Famagusta, you can transfer in Kyrenia.

It is important to understand that local dolmuşes are different from modern comfortable buses, so there are no specific places for luggage. If you have a lot of suitcases or large ones, it will be difficult to use the minibus, or you may have to purchase a passenger seat for the luggage, which needs to be arranged with the driver in advance.

Check the schedule of minibuses from Kyrenia and Nicosia to the airport, as well as the return schedule, in the photos. The minibus operating times are coordinated with the flight schedules.

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